Woof WOOF, everyone! So, I have been having a wooferful past few days in my little puppy life! This past weekend my mummy and daddy were super busy doing different stuff, so I, of course, was stuck at home with the kitties and Twiggy so that got me thinking……now imagine, if you will, me Sir Pancake as a K-9 Crusader!!! Yeah, I could be the Corgi Caper, the one who defends the world from all furry evilness. I have it all planned out, not only would I keep the world safe but I would get to wear a mask and a cape! I, however, do not own a mask or a cape so mummy may have to buy me a set, but until then I can go undercover as a banana! Everyone loves bananas, and no one would know that I was the Corgi Caper, I would just be a walking banana!!! Yes, YES it will work! Ok, so before I divulge anymore I suppose I should go back to updating what went on other than my imagination running amuk. On Friday daddy had plans with his daddy so they went to a baseball game. I would have luved to go. I LUVS to chase me any type of round object, and a baseball would suffice just as much as the next! Mummy always tells me that I could be the center fielder for the Cubs, and that if I was playing they would probably win the World Series! Yeah, I bet they would…and if not I could always eat that stupid goat that put the curse on them! But, daddy would disagree with mummy and say that I should play for the Cardinals with my mad skills. You see, mummy is a cubbie fan and daddy is a cardinal fan so there is always a little bitter rivalry going on, but ultimately I prefer the cubs because my puppy butt resembles a bear butt, and those cardinals, well, I would rather eat one! Anyways, while daddy was at the game mummy went and hung out with some of her friends. When she got home she told me how she felt like the odd man out because both of her friends had their kids with them, and she did not, but then they reminded her that soon will be joining the club…I still dunno if I believe this or not, I mean were does this baby hoomin come from? Is it going to magically appear? Does it fall from the sky? Does the UPS guy drop it off? I suppose I will just have to wait and see, but until then I would like to think that the UPS guy will drop it off in a box, because mummy likes getting presents in the mail and me and Twiggy like to intimidate the UPS guy! So, on Saturday, once again, mummy and daddy had a busy day planned, which meant, for me, more time for me to think about my Corgi Capers, again can’t divulge too much but just remember bananas can walk! First, mummy and daddy went and saw a movie with my ya-ya. They went to Harry Potter 7.2. Mummy really liked it, except she wanted to know why at the end that no one ended up as a teacher. I dunno, because I am a corgi, but I do know that they should rename it to Harry PAWter!!! Woof, Woof!!! After the movie they were off once again to a surprise birthday party for one of their friends, Timothy. I have met Timothy and he is really nice, so I think he deserved a surprise party…but where was my ice cream cake, huh?! While at the party they had some kittens and mummy really wanted to bring one home but daddy would not let her. Daddy said that our house is a zoo as it is and that we don’t need anymore animals. I would like to think that our house is not a zoo, but a house with 2 kitties, 1 corgi and 1 crazy stoopid corgi!!! Woof, woof! Nah, I really do like Twiggy, no matter how much I comment on her craziness, there are just times, well, more so than not, that she is crazy and stoopid! Oh, well, she is my seester and I do luvs her, I suppose. (Mummy says I have to be nice to Twiggy) So, after Saturday is Sunday and as most Sundays in my house it is a lazy day. Mummy did her usual lounging to recoup from the weekend, and daddy was up and working on the house, as he cannot sit still too long. He must take after me on that one! Daddy was working on painting more of the outside of the house. There is still so much painting left to do, but with mummy in her current state she cannot paint so it is left up to daddy, so it is taking awhile. Maybe, I could help paint! Yes, I can cover Twiggy in paint and chase her towards the house, and then she would get paint on it and, yes, yes I am going to suggest this to daddy tonight! But, for right now, I live in a half brown half blue house. I kinda like the mismatchiness, it makes our house unique! Ok, who am I kidding I can’t tell because of my lack of seeing color, but I like to think that I know the difference between blue and brown. All in all it is still the same house, with air and a roof and that is all that matters for me, oh and FOOD, me luvs food! So, after daddy was done painting for the day, you see it was extremely hot outside so he was only able to get it primed and 1-coated, he came in and took the rest of the night off. This made mummy happy because she was finally getting to spend some time with daddy, but of course it made me happy too because I got to play with daddy and then step all over him! Oh, and one amazing thing happened…well at least mummy thought it was amazing, DADDY MADE DINNER!!!! You see, daddy never cooks, why you may ask, well that is because he doesn’t know how. Mummy is slowly trying to teach him, so that when baby gets here he can help out by making dinner if need be, plus mummy thinks it would be nice once in a while if daddy would make her a nice dinner…hint hint, as she likes to tell him. But, yes, daddy made spaghetti! I luvs spaghetti! I luvs licking up the plate when everyone is done eating, nommie nom noms! So, after daddy was done with dinner it was time to watch my new obsession, mummy has gotten me hooked on this show called Big Brother. It is very interesting, the hoomins on that show are all crazy, even crazier than Twiggy, and that is hard to do! But, I luvs it. I look forward to it just as I do the Bachlorette, now don’t let the name fool you, and have you think of me of less than the manliest corgi, but it is very interesting and entertaining. Somehow my mummy always gets me caught up into these reality shows. I really think it is because I don’t have thumbs, therefore I cannot really be in control of the remote so mummy always gets to pick what we watch, but somehow I always get sucked into these reality shows. One last thing before I head back to my normal life, I would like to inform everyone that daddy and mummy are on a kickball team, yes you heard me right, a kickball team! Ok, well that is not the news, and for you non-furry hoomins out there, NO mummy is not actually playing she is a co-captain and has played that past few years but due to baby hoomin she had to sit out this season, but anyways their team did really good this year…they actually won a few games, WOOF! I went and watched one night, the big giant rolling red ball really intrigued me and I desperately tried to get out onto the field to EAT it! Mummy was having no such thing happen, so finally I gave up and sat on the bleachers with her, well I sprawled out she just sat there. After the game I did get my chance to go out on the field, mummy semi let me loose so that I could run the bases and chase the big red ball, it was a good time, but unfortunately due to the extreme heat the past few weeks I have not been able to go back, so maybe daddy will get me a big red ball so that I can play kickball at home, and maybe even let Twiggy join in for a bit! Ah, who am I kidding, Twiggy doesn’t really play fetch so more or less just plays who can get there faster and then runs away from whatever object we are chasing at the time. But, back to mummy and daddy and kickball, anyways, next week is the final week, they are going into the last game in 5th place, which is really good for their team, considering it is out of 10 teams, and the last few years they have only won about 1 game a season…I think they did so well because mummy was co-captaining and being awesome, like me, and because I got to go so I gave them good luck! Yes, yes, that is why they are doing sooooo well! Ok, so now that I have caught you up on every little thing that has been going on, I am going to head off of here and go chase me some kitties and Twiggy! Until our next encounter, Woof Woof and Wiggle Wiggle!!!
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